As I explored what it took to be a social media manager I learned many surprising things. For example, social media manager makes $63,294 a year
src=", it may seem simple, but a socia media mangager... manages social media!
Consider a degree in communications or marketing. Stay versed in industry tools and tech. Look for social media opportunities everywhere. Remember, you're always being watched. Never stop learning and adapting. Be comfortable working and learning on your own.
To pursue this career, you must develop strong communication skills, earn a relevant degree and master the use of social media. Many people think social media is “easy." While it may be easy to share an image and post small commentary, there is actually a lot of data analytics and strategy that goes into it
Getting paid to be on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Pinterest, and other popular social media channels may sound like a dream come true. And for many, it is. PayScale indicates that the job satisfaction of social media managers comes in at a 3.8 out of 5, or "highly satisfied" rating.
Based on my research, I would want to be a racecar driver!